Monday, June 06, 2005

How Great Is Our God!

How great is our God! Sing with me how great is our God, and all will see how great, how great is our God.

These awesome lines have rang out from every part of my being since I first heard them at the Passion 05 conference back in January, and they just scream ever more from my soul day after day as I truly see the greatness of God.
The past two weeks of my life have been the two best. I have been to China, a place where God is excluded and where persecution follows if you claim to believe in Him. I have been to a place where darkness rules. I have been to the uttermost parts of the earth, and I have seen what it is like to be in a place that Satan could proudly call his sancturary. Still, through all of this, I have been in the presence of the Holy Lord and have seen His hand work miracles.
While in China, nine people professed Jesus as Lord. Praise God!! Nine people that were utterly lost had the Spirit lead them to repentance, and nine more people will join me in Heaven to worship God Almighty forever. But, I still plead for your prayers for these nine. You see, they will face persecution. I don't just mean a few harsh words. I mean physical punishment, even possible death, for calling upon the Lord! Let me give you an example.
I met a young man named Z. Z is a college student at one of the teacher's colleges in southern China and is a very smart young man. A few years ago, he was given permission to join the communist party of China, an opportunity that every poor Chinese person yearns to receive. Joining the communist party gives you prestiege, more money, and a better life. It elevates you to a higher state of life in a place where it is difficult to move up in the world. To turn down the communist party is like turning down a lot of money in America. You just don't do it.
Now Z had been visiting my friend in China, and he had been reading the Bible. Z was searching for truth. It just so happened that he was asked to join the communist party at the same time he was seeking. He went to talk to my friend about his choices. He either became an atheiest by joining the communist party to make his family proud, or he became a Christian. Z had hard choices to make.
My friend didn't see him for a while and was concerned when he missed his appointments. So, my friend sought him and found him. The reason my friend had not seen Z was because Z thought my friend wouldn't want to see him for his ugliness. You see, Z chose Christ over the communist party. He chose eternal life over death. Because he chose Christ, his father severly beat him. He beat him until he was bruised and bloody. He was whipped with a cane until he was senseless. He took more persecution with one whip than I have had my whole life. When he finally met my friend again, he told her, "I didn't think you would like me because I was ugly, but I just wanted to stand for Jesus."
Friends, pray for Z and the other believers. They have been going through severe interrogations, threatenings, and beatings for the cause of Christ for the past two years. Pray that they will be strong. Pray that they will continue to stand. Pray that they will continue to be unashamed of the gospel. Pray that those who have claimed to have entered into an eternal relationship will persevere with the rest no matter what the government does. Pray for their salvation and for their sanctification. Pray for them.
Yes, I saw the Lord. He showed me how easy I have life. He showed me that we don't have a clue about persecution in America, and He showed me that He is still sovreign over Satan and his threats. Oh how I wish I had the faith of Z. God showed me how much I still lack and what I need to do to grow closer to Him. God gave me a heart that yearns for these people and their salvation/sanctification. God showed me a people who truly believe, not because it is what everybody else believes but because Christ has given them hope. Yes, God spoke loudly and with conviction, and my only reply is

How great is our God? Sing with me how great is our God, and all will see how great, how great is our God. Name above all names, You are worthy of all praise. My heart will sing how great is our God!


Blogger Justin said...

What blessings it must have been to see the blessed work of God through persecution. Zeb has claimed a right to glroify God with his entire being and soul, for the punishment because of his faith. May the Lord ge the glory from this mans life!

1:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah... I travelled to China this summer also. I was facinated by your reflection, I will pray for Z and those others who give their lives to the Lord. Though they suffer many things now. They will not be disappointed when Jesus welcomes them, 'well done good and faithful servant!'. In the mean time let us be inspired by z's faithfulness. That we might also hear those words, 'well done good and faithful servant'.

1:15 PM  

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